Adaptation of educational places for people with disabilities

In day-to-day life, we meet various people for whom public spaces aren’t adapted to their needs. In that case, they encounter difficulties that they have to manage. One of the most troublesome moments in a disabled person’s life can be during school. Children who leave their parents or guardians for several hours may feel helpless. We have to ask ourselves; if the place where students spend most of their time is designed for their needs.

Moving around school

These days, many school buildings have several floors, which is a by-product of a large number of students. As a result, there is difficulty in moving between classes located on different floors. The best option for this problem is an elevator. Transporting services for those in need can be found in 1 in 3 schools. On the other hand, educational institutions that do not have such facilities also offer help in other ways.


How to replace an elevator?

To get into schools and universities we usually need to conquer a set of stairs that disabled people can’t get by independently. This is why ramps are put in for convenience. Because of the ramps, Disabled people can manage independently.

Accesibility of bathrooms

Everyone needs to take care of their physiological needs. Therefore we should ask ourselves if school bathrooms are designed to meet disabled people’s needs. Over 50% of schools ensure disabled toilets, which help provide comfort to people with special needs. In addition, young people don’t feel discriminated against and excluded.

Finding schools adapted to the needs of disabled people isn’t as hard as it may seem. It’s worth noticing that people are becoming increasingly more aware of others’ needs. Modern architects try to create spaces adapted to everybody’s needs. If it isn’t feasible they think of new innovative solutions that help with the normal functioning.


Is a disabled person able to move around Venice independently?

Navigating city streets through public transport can be a big problem for people with disabilities. But have you ever wondered what disabled people experience while travelling in unusual cities like Venice, where a large part of public transport is carried out on waterways?

What helpful facilities can we find for disabled people in public spaces in Italy?

In Italy, a large part of the economy is dependent on tourism, which is caused by the warm climate, beautiful views and easy access to the sea. Everyone would like to visit without encountering problems such as communication or public transportation. Disabled people are a large but unique group of people who have various needs that can make travelling harder.

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