Udine vs Warsaw

Looking at Udine and Warsaw we see polish metropolis and small italian city. At first glance they seem totally different, but can apperiences be deceptive? We will try to put a flash on both of those cities, describing the architecture at once. We’ll focus on the most interesting and crucial facilities for teenagers. From the perspective of young people we will show you places of everyday use, entertainment, development of culture through the prism of architecture. Warsaw as the capital city of Poland as well as Udine an important city in Italy can boast of an amazing architecture.

For the last three articles, we have walked you through the differences and similarities between the architecture of Warsaw and Udine. We have shown you many aspects regarding utalitarian, entertainment and modern architecture. We hope that we have interested you in this topic and proved that architecture does not have to be boring at all. Even if you have not got into this topic before, we hope that we have managed to provide you with knowledge in an easy way. We tried to show the charms of both cities, to prove that differences do not always have to be a negative thing. Thank you for having the time for our articles and we invite you to read the blogs of our colleagues.

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